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Demo Reels for Actors

Elevate your audition tapes, portfolios, and acting reels.

First impressions matter

Streamline your audition materials into one powerful link

Imagine a tool that not only showcases your acting reels but also integrates your headshots, clips, and credits into one sleek link. Dive into detailed analytics, tailor your image and video galleries, and customize your presentation to reflect your unique artist persona. With ReelCrafter, each link is a step closer to landing your next big role.


Example of an Actor demo reel built with ReelCrafter.

    How to

    Create and share an acting demo reel

    Start your free trial »
    • 1

      Add Media & Details

      Upload your audition materials: video, images, and even audio. Enter your contact info and other professional details once, and you’re set for all your future reels.

    • 2

      Build Reels

      Use our intuitive Reel Builder to create unlimited personalized reels. Customize each showcase for auditions, collaborations, or client showcases.

    • 3

      Share & Analyze

      Generate personalized Share Links and track every interaction — plays, skips, pauses, replays, and clicks. Gain insights to refine and perfect your future pitches.

Example of ReelCrafter analytics for actors

Scene stealer stats

Gain in-depth insights with real-time engagement metrics

Transform how you engage with industry decision-makers. With ReelCrafter’s engagement tracking, you can go beyond knowing who watches your performances. Identify captivating scenes, track rewatches, and gather data to perfect your reels. Use these insights to refine your presentations and auditions, giving you a competitive edge.

Create your first reel »

Show off your star quality

Make your mark with dazzling demo reels

Illuminate your unique talent — customize your reels with stunning video galleries, spotlight your voice talents, and showcase upcoming performances and premieres with an interactive calendar. Whether impressing casting directors, seeking representation, or highlighting your skills at festivals, ReelCrafter helps you make an unforgettable impression.

Level up your acting reel »

How to showcase video and audio on an actor demo reel.

Share with style

Spotlight your talent with custom, secure links

Share your acting reels with confidence. Personalize each presentation with unique URLs, designed for each casting director or agent. Add password protection to ensure exclusive access, and set link expirations to control how long your content is available. ReelCrafter’s tools allow you to dictate who views your work and when.

Start your free trial »

Ready to roll with ReelCrafter?

Discover the power of targeted, professional demo reels and take your auditioning process to the next level.

Get Started

No credit card required to start your 14-day trial.