Trusted by thousands of artists
Audio & Video Portfolios that land gigs
Go beyond cookie-cutter links and pages; make a lasting first impression when it counts most. With ReelCrafter, you’ll build personalized, trackable showreels in minutes, not hours.
Try it! Click play on the reel

your craft, our canvas
ReelCrafter offers showreel and portfolio solutions for every artistic endeavor.
Sound Designers
Music Producers
Mix Engineers
Voice Actors
Agents & Managers
VFX Artists
Public Speakers
Set yourself up for success
Build, share, optimize
Create stunning presentation reels that showcase your work in a whole new way. Customize the sharing experience, track detailed analytics, and analyze the performance of your reel. All so you can optimize your pitch and land more gigs.
Let your creativity shine with presentations that show off your skills, personality, and unique style.
Customize the sharing experience and make a lasting impression with every ReelCrafter link you send.
Know exactly how your links are performing so you can refine your pitch and make the best possible impression.
Customize every detail
With our powerful design options, you can tailor each pitch to your unique style and the specific needs of your audience.
Your Brand
Use custom colors and images to design with your unique branding.
Dynamic Defaults
Easily keep your bio, headshot, and contact info up-to-date in one place.
Audio Players
Add audio with playlists and dynamic, non-destructive snippets.
Video Players
Create video galleries with flexible layouts and fullscreen playback options.
Image Galleries
Present images and allow downloads with our powerful gallery tools.
Events & Credits
Use custom blocks to display project credits or list upcoming events.

Personalize each viewer’s Experience
Stop settling for cookie-cutter pages. With ReelCrafter, you can tailor each pitch and share your work like never before.
Create Unlimited Custom URLs
You can create unlimited URLs for your pitch; personalize one for each recipient.
add Password Protection
Have complete control over who can view your work by adding unique passwords.
Set Link Expiration Dates
Protect your content by choosing when your presentation links expire.
Allow Audio Downloads
Set permissions for streaming, MP3 download, or full-quality file access on each reel.
get insights to perfect your pitch
Elevate your pitch with real-time data and gain invaluable insights into viewer engagement, so you can refine your presentation and stand out from the competition.
See our tracking in action! »
Nail your follow-up
Keep your follow-up game strong by using ReelCrafter’s engagement insights to decide when to follow up (or what to mention) so you can minimize missed opportunities.
Know exactly when to follow up with potential clients or employersKeep the conversation going by mentioning specific points of interest based on link engagementAvoid missed opportunities by staying on top of your leads and keeping your pitch fresh and top-of-mindREFINE YOUR PITCH
Use real-time data to hone your presentation and optimize for maximum engagement. Analyze insights to improve your future pitches.
Optimize your pitch in real-time by identifying the most engaging partsCut the fluff and focus on what works by using engagement data to remove ineffective content from your pitchUse insights from past pitches to improve future ones and consistently elevate your showcase gameGAIN PEACE OF MIND
Know exactly when your link is opened, who’s viewing it, and how long they’re spending on each section, so you never wonder if your reel was received again.
Never wonder if your pitch was viewed again with detailed view trackingGet notified when someone views your reel and see how long they spend on each sectionGain confidence in your pitch with comprehensive insights into viewer engagement
Fresh from the blog
Discover quick tips and deep dives in our most recent blog posts.

Educational Partners
Educational Partners
the Ultimate solution for pitching
Showcase your work, track your analytics, and streamline your follow-up game with ReelCrafter.
No credit card required to start your 14-day trial.